Group of Folios
Marcel Proust’s Journées De Lecture with images by Pierre Lesieur, published by Le Livre Contemporain de Les Bibliophiles Franco-Suisses, 1969
Charles Peguy’s Presentation De La Beauce a Notre-Dame De Chartres, with images by L.J. Somlas, published by Le Livre Contemporain, example I
Un Siecle Economie Francaise 1863-1963,
Folio of Jean-Michel-Mathieux Marie’s Canephore de Cauchemar
with impressions by Federico Garcia Lorca, published by Les Amis Au Livre Contemporain 1988, edition #52, including signed engraving,
Julien Gracq’s Le Roi Cophetua with images by Ivan Theimer, published by Le Livre Contemporain et Les Bibliophiles France Suisses, example #52
L’ecole Centrale Des Arts et Manufactures, with signed watercolor
Rivard’s De L’universalite De la Langue Francaise,
Henri Bosco’s L’ane Culotte with images by Nicolas Eekman, published by Le Livre Contemporain 1950, example #3
Michel Terrasse’s Design with text from Pasteur Vallery-Radot published by Raymond Cres, Imprimer A Bonnetable
Jean Anouilh’s Antigone Tragedie with images by Francois Salvat, published bu Paris La Table Ronde 1945, example #211
Estimate: $300 - $500