Seven piece lot of three Japanese ivory articles including the Kamakura Buddha, a geisha with a koto and a painted ikebana floral arrangement, 20th century, also a pair of small ivory elephants with wood bases, one tusk broken, probably Chinese. Two Chinese ivory figures, one of seated immortals playing checkers and the other of a standing Quin Yin.
Five piece lot of Japanese ivory, figure of a woman holding a birdcage, with damage to index finger 20th century Japanese ivory figure of a dancing geisha, damage, 20th century Japanese ivory figure of a musician serenading toads, as is, 19th century – 20th century pair of Chinese seatite/soapstone dancers, 20th century.
Near Eastern ivory group of man and woman,possibly wedding couple,in oxen/bull-drawn covered cart, flanked by five attendants, sixth missing,closed in a glass and metal box.
Five piece lot to include a group of three hardstone sculptures: tiger stone kilin with vase in fitted box and wood stand amethyst carp tiger stone rhinoceros and a pair of jade peaches, 20th century.
Two Asian blue and white bowls: one Chinese prunus with spurious Kangxi mark, as is, 19C, the other a Japanese shallow conical Fukagawa bowl, 20th century.