Two pieces including Small Chinese clair de lune flower vase with Qianlong mark probably second half of 19th century along with a Chinese copper-red beaker shaped brush pot with spurious Qianlong mark, 20th century.
Pair of large Satsuma covered baluster jars in the shape of tied satchels with Oni figure finials. Some loss to draw strings and relief. 19th century – 20th century.
Kinkozan and Guokuzan signed, exquisitely painted Satsuma baluster vase with applied handles painted with panels of palms, roosters, and wisteria, Meiji.
Yasudo Ryozan signed Makuzu Kozan workshop vase: Large and important Japanese barrel-form Satsuma vase with extremely well painted reserves of figures and a Shinto shrine in flowering landscapes surrounded by textile-inspired intricately painted brocade borders, 19th century – 20th century.
Three Chinese bowls, pair of exquisitely painted mille fleur bowls, spurious Yongzheng mark, 20th century along with mille fleur bowl on black ground, spurious Qianlong Mark, first half 20th century.
Pair of finely painted large Chinese Famille Jaune baluster covered jars, reserves decorated with carp reaching for peach to attain dragonhood, possible provenance of Manila National Museum, 19th century – 20th century.