Eight piece lot including a print signed, pencil signed Ray Alice, a man fly fishing for bone fish signed CD Clark, couple whale pictures, and two coastal watercolors signed Richard Grosvenor, along with two movie posters
Three box lots to include Cauldon china, two stems, small grouping of sterling silver salts, ivory dresser parts, set of wedgwood plates, iron cookware and a pitcher
On two Wayland D. Moore POLO PLAYER serigraph pencil signed lower right Moore numbered lower left 186/300 Wayland D. Moore GIRAFFE serigraph signed lower right Moore numbered lower left 159/300
Three box lots of books Vanity Fair, Thoroughbred Broodmare, Records, African Game Trails by Theodore Roosevelt, Hunting Trips by Theodore Roosevelt, William Rossco Thar by Theodore Roosevelt, State of New York by Theodore Roosevelt, This is Paris, The Last of The Mohicans, Artist of The Old West Frederic Remington and various other books