Ten piece lot of Sterling children’s forks, spoons and knives, 4.3 t.oz, plus one knife.
Sterling silver lot, four tea strainers, shears, thimbles, small pill box, incense burner, 5.1 t.oz.
Sterling silver lot, eighteen pieces, nut dishes and a pair Gorham salt and pepper shakers, 10.6 t.oz.
Custom mahogany double pedestal dining table and six Chippendale style dining chairs with ball and claw feet.
Custom mahogany banded inlaid Heppelwhite style sideboard with doors and drawers.
12 Kestner Bisque Head on 5 piece Best Limb Body – open mouth, sleep eyes. Pate glued down.
7 Baby Bisque Head, sleep eyes, cloth body, compo hands, marked 15 German.
22 Queen Louise – Germany on BJCB, stationery eye, open mouth.
21 German Bisque marked 136/9 on BJCB, sleep eyes, open mouth, 1 finger on each hand missing.
25 German Bisque, marked D A 6 on BJCB, sleep eyes, open mouth.
16 Shoulderhead, kid body, cloth feet, bisque hands, open mouth, stationery eyes – German – unmasked.
15 Handwerck/Halbig German Bisque Head on BJCB, open mouth, sleep eyes, scrub mark on left cheek.
15 German Bisque head SH 1039 on BJ compo body, open mouth, fixed eyes.
32 Heinrich Handserk/Simon Hallrig bisque doll on BJCB, sleep eyes, open mouth, wig pulls forehead, marked W
17 1894 AM – on BJCB, sleep eyes, open mouth.
12 Bisque Head AM 390 on Ball jointed Compo Body BJCB right forearm missing, sleep eyes, open mouth.
Empire mahogany chest and oak music cabinet.
French style hall table.
Hitchcock two over three drawer chest.
Three piece chair lot, all French style, oneside, one occasional chair with no arms and one with arms and cane back.
Mahogany shaving mirror.
Oriental rug.
Bisque head doll in part, marked Germany, Queen Louise.
Bisque head doll, as is, marked Handwerck Halbig along with iron double horse carriage front piece.
Villaroy and Bach partial dinner set design NAIF.
Large group of silver plate, including two silver plated tea sets, one with a tray, covered vegetable dishes, punch bowl ladle, miscellaneous dishes.
Charles Wilson oil on board of sailing ship, 1931.
A.B. Takata watercolor.
Two watercolors, one signed Helena Wood Smith the other one signed lower right. Crompton Tuttle.
Watercolor marked Landscape of Tryon, North Carolina.
Victorian oak hat box chest.
11 Bisque Shoulderhead, marked OD 93-810 on kid body with bisque hands, open mouth, sleep eye, Page glued.
14 Bisque Shoulderhead on kid, cloth and bisque hand and body, marked 1894 – AM – open mouth, stationery eyes.
11 Bisque Shoulderhead Marked 1001-1310 in. on kid body, bisque hands, footless, open mouth, stationery eyes.
11 Bisque head, made in Germany, open mouth, set eyes, on BJCB missing lower legs, scruffs to face, looks like an American Indian face.
19 Compo Lady of modern vintage new.
18 Bisque Repro – Hutney – new dollar artist – on cloth body, 20 Compo P93 Ideal.
Small bisque head doll.
Lot of four composition head dolls.
Four composition head dolls.
Two large dolls with three boxes of ethnic dolls and storybook dolls.
Large Victorian print marked Saved St. Bernard and a child, sight size in a Victorian frame.
Frederick Alwen and a Gordon Grant, two pencil signed etchings of ships.
Four box lots of various plates, cups, saucers, including Ainsley, gold band china, Limoges, one Minton plate, as is.
Furnished doll house.
Large furnished doll house on a swivel base.
Contemporary upholstered love seat.