Crystal snuff bottle enameled with a GuanYin on an elephante and a GuanYin sitting on a lotus signed on bottom
Estimate: $1 -
Snuff bottle having enameled landscape with river scene signed on bottom 18th century
Snuff bottle having colorful enameled mountainous landscape 18th century
Estimate: $800 -
Snuff bottle having colorful enameled mountainous river landscape, 18th century signed on bottom
Snuff bottle having brown enameled ducks at shore edge, 18th century signed on bottom
Estimate: $400 -
Buddha black and white overlay white glass snuff bottle having carved 2 tier of standing Buddha figures 19th century
Estimate: $300 -
Brown overlay glass snuff bottle with children and characters, 19th century
Estimate: $200 -
Familie Rose porcelain snuff bottle having yellow ground with scrolling vines, blossoming flowers and butterflies with coral finial top, 18th century
Carved snuff bottle, 18th century
Porcelain shell ink pot with seal mark on bottom
Estimate: $50 -
Porcelain water pot with character marks and seal mark on bottom
Small porcelain vase having 4 panels with landscape and wild flower, seal mark on bottom
Set of two unglazed ceramic scholar’s objects: ink box and brush holder.
Pair of scrolls, calligraphy by famous artist YuYouRen.
Estimate: $900 -
Scroll painting of plum blossom YuShuQingHui.
Estimate: $100 -
Old scroll painting by famous artist WangYuanQi.
Estimate: $150 -
Painting of two horses by artist PuZuo.
Painting of portraits with camels by famous artist ChengShiFa.
Qing Dynasty portrait painting of MaZu a goddess of the sea.
An old fan painting by famous artists Daqian &WangShiGu.
A fine painting of a running horse by famous artist XuBeiHong marked 1933.
Estimate: $3 -
Fine painting of a cicada by famous artist QiBaiShi in 1970s.
Estimate: $2 -
Painting of JiXiang Auspicious by famous artist LuiDaWei.
Painting of lotus and carps by famous artist ShangXiaoYun.
Painting of owl by famous artist HuangYong Yu.
Guan Gong portrait.
A painting of spring peaches by QiLiangChi QiBaiShi’s son.
Qian Long title deed for land marked the 31st year of the QianLong Emperor in year 1766.
Estimate: $500 -
Large carved GuanYin jadeitte statue standing on a carved lotus, 19th – 20th century
Oriental scroll w/c on silk of 2 cranes in a landscape scene.
18th century platter with GuanYin and deer magoo
Estimate: $600 -
Globular blue and light. blue vase with scrolling vines and blossoming flowers
An unglazed ceramic buffalo and boy
Export style porcelain dog Qing Dynasty.
Pair of porcelain bamboo cups having painted bamboo trees around the exterior
Estimate: $25 -
Porcelain butterfly bowl having 5 panels of butterfly around exterior and a character mark on the bottom
Estimate: $75 -
Porcelain plate with a landscape painted scene with bats and a peach tree in the center
Porcelain incense burner with painted landscape and seal mark on bottom sitting on 3 feet
Dragon jar, painted in a yellow, blue and green having flaming clouds and dragons
Wild flower, bats and fruit bowl with seal mark on bottom
Dragon dish having three 5 claw dragons, one dragon in the middle and 2 dragons around the exterior
Pair of Famille Rose cups with seal mark on bottom
Small yellow and blue bowl having scrolling vines and lotus flowers
Pair of painted lacquer ear cups wine cups.
Painted lacquer Bianhu vessel with painted dragon and tiger design.
Pair of painted pottery lacquer jars.
Painted lacquer cicada.
Painted lacquer round covered box with ring handle top, ring handles on sides and metal band scroll decorated, sitting on metal band with feet.
Painted lacquer rat.
Pair Han, painted lacquer figures.